We know what it takes
to change the agenda.

Today anyone can post, blog and release an opinion about anything, and they do. Abundantly.

We have never had so many media channels and so many chances to communicate, to comment, to debate and hence to affect the world’s development. It forces new demands upon those, who want to change the agenda.

The time in which to ponder one’s own communication has become much shorter. It is therefore imperative to know what to say. Why to say it. While having a strategy for communication that can cut through the media noise and whatever nonsense there is out there, in order to reach the real goals.

At Ulveman & Børsting we know more than most about how both journalism and politics work. We apply this knowledge to advise companies and organisations everyday.

Our advisors have no sales targets diverting their focus. We work at the highest level with strategic communication, public affairs, public relations and crisis management. Both in Denmark and internationally. We know what it takes to change the agenda. Whether it is politics or business.

Long term relationships are a core value for us. We are on the side of our clients all the way. And we stand together in succes and defeat.

Let's meet.